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Coastal Bend College

An Integrated Microbial Biofuel System



The focus of this project is to design an integrated system that incorporates both microbial fermentation and photosynthesis to produce both ethanol and algal lipids.  This system is designed to enhance algal lipid production as well as produce usable byproducts.


Mark Secord, Emily Hinojosa 

A Portable Solar Water Treatment System


The focus of this project is to design a portable water treatment system that is solar-powered and cost effective.  This system can quickly be set up in primitive environments to treat water from naturally occurring sources such as lakes, streams, and ponds.  It can also be coupled with rainwater catchment systems.


Fred Oliveras

Fuel cell powered robots



Kenneth Nagle

Feasibility of Augmented/Virtual Reality as an Educational Tool in the Renewable Energy Class Room Environment and/or maintenance and monitoring of wind and solar farms

Objectives of Activity:   

1)Understand the processes involved in the production of augmented/virtual reality.

2)Test and verify the functionality of the Oculus Rift goggles.

3)Identify potential software applications, determine there feasibility as a development platform for the Oculus Rift.

4)Identify potential uses for augmented/virtual reality in a class room environment and/or maintenance and monitoring of wind and solar farms.

5)Determine the feasibility of incorporating augmented/virtual reality into a class room environment and/or maintenance and monitoring of wind and solar farms.


Description of the activity:

            The project will use The Oculus Rift DK2, and the 3DR IRIS+ 


Possible deliverables/output (a product, software, article, etc.):

1)Report, documenting our process and findings.

2)List of most likely software platforms for development of augmented/virtual reality applications for the Oculus Rift DK2.

3)Identify other potential uses for the system, in the class room and maintaining and observing solar and wind farm assets.

Researcher: Kenneth Nagle